Sql Examiner Serial Number

2020. 2. 11. 20:16카테고리 없음

I have one particular user whose account gets locked about every other day, without fail. 90% of the time, this is due to someone's iPhone trying to connect to our wireless with their old password (after a password change). We've eliminated that. The problem with this particular user, is that I cannot find ANY entries in the netlogon log that indicate the problem. I can see the 0xC0000234 events in the log that indicate he tried to connect with a locked account. But I don't see any of the standard 0xC000006A events indicated he passed the wrong password.

And I NEVER see those for his user. It's really weird. If I go through the event log of the DC who locked him out, I see in the security log the event: 4771.

Text Kerberos pre-authentication failed. Account Information: Security ID: daveb Account Name: daveb Service Information: Service Name: krbtgt/ Network Information: Client Address:::ffff: Client Port: 50365 Additional Information: Ticket Options: 0x40810010 Failure Code: 0x12 Pre-Authentication Type: 0 Certificate Information: Certificate Issuer Name: Certificate Serial Number: Certificate Thumbprint: Certificate information is only provided if a certificate was used for pre-authentication. Pre-authentication types, ticket options and failure codes are defined in RFC 4120. If the ticket was malformed or damaged during transit and could not be decrypted, then many fields in this event might not be present. I see that event with both the 0X18 error code indicating a bad password, and then I see it with the 0X12 error code indicating the account is locked.


What I don't see is where the credentials originated from. He swears he is not connecting to the wireless, and I believe him, because that type of a bad password would throw a 0xC000006A error on my DC's netlogon log via my wireless NPS server. I get those all the time. So, what am I missing? Should I enable additional logging on my netlogon log to catch exactly what's happening? I can find the time and the authentication server of his last bad password attempt via the Account Lockout Tools, but I can't find the source or the method of the bad password. Does anyone have any ideas?

Thanks in advance for your help. You could install the free 30-day trial of our log & server monitoring product. Just enable all the compliance tracking packages (a couple of clicks) and deploy it to your domain controller and BDC. EventSentry will intercept all failed (and optionally successful) logon events, and will allow you to generate reports based on failure reasons and so forth.

You can deploy it to the workstation in question as well and get even more insight (e.g. Process created, logons attempted and so forth). The good part is that you won't have to worry about the event log size and such since the events will be stored in a separate database. There is no obligation to purchase, you can just uninstall once you find out what the cause was. Pricing is really affordable in case you want to keep it around.

OpenVMS V7.3-1 running the -based DECwindows GUI, OS family Working state Current Source model Initial release October 25, 1977; 40 years ago ( 1977-10-25) OpenVMS 8.4-2L1 (Hudson Release) / September 23, 2016; 14 months ago ( 2016-09-23) Marketing target Update method Concurrent upgrades, rolling upgrades PCSI and VMSINSTAL Platforms, type with loadable modules Default and Official website OpenVMS is a for use in general-purpose computing. It is the successor to the VMS Operating System ( VAX-11/VMS, VAX/VMS), that was produced by, and first released in 1977 for its series of minicomputers. The 11/780 was introduced at DEC's Oct.

25, 1977 annual shareholder's meeting. In the 1990s, it was used for the successor series of systems. OpenVMS also runs on the HP -based families of computers. As of 2017, a port to the architecture is underway. The name VMS is derived from virtual memory system, according to one of its principal architectural features. OpenVMS is a proprietary operating system, but source code listings are available for purchase.

OpenVMS is a, -based operating system (OS) designed for use in, and. When process priorities are suitably adjusted, it may approach characteristics. The system offers high through and the ability to distribute the system over multiple physical machines. This allows the system to be tolerant against disasters that may disable individual data-processing facilities. OpenVMS contains a (GUI), a feature that was not available on the original VAX-11/VMS system.

Prior to the introduction of DEC systems in the 1980s, the operating system was used and managed from text-based, such as the, which provide serial data communications and screen-oriented display features. Versions of VMS running on DEC Alpha workstations in the 1990s supported and (AGP) graphics adapters. Enterprise-class environments typically select and use OpenVMS for various purposes including, network services, manufacturing or transportation control and monitoring, critical applications and databases, and particularly environments where system uptime and data access is critical. System up-times of more than 10 years have been reported, and features such as rolling upgrades and clustering allow clustered applications and data to remain continuously accessible while operating system software and hardware maintenance and upgrades are performed, or when a whole data center is destroyed. Customers using OpenVMS include banks and financial services, hospitals and healthcare, network information services, and large-scale industrial manufacturers of various products. As of mid-2014, Hewlett Packard (successor to DEC) licensed the development of OpenVMS exclusively to VMS Software Inc.

VMS Software will be responsible for developing OpenVMS, supporting existing hardware and providing roadmap to clients. The company has a team of veteran developers that originally developed the software during DEC's ownership. 4000 model 96 running OpenVMS 6.1 and DECwindows In April 1975, embarked on a hardware project, code named Star, to design a virtual address extension to its computer line. A companion software project, code named Starlet, was started in June 1975 to develop a totally new operating system, based on M, for the Star family of processors.

These two projects were tightly integrated from the beginning. Was the VP lead on the VAX hardware and its architecture. Roger Gourd was the project lead for the Starlet program, with software engineers (who would later lead development of 's ), and Peter Lipman acting as the technical project leaders, each having responsibility for a different area of the operating system. The Star and Starlet projects culminated in the 11/780 computer and the VAX-11/VMS operating system.

The Starlet name survived in VMS as a name of several of the main system libraries, including STARLET.OLB and STARLET.MLB. Over the years the name of the product has changed. In 1980 it was renamed, with version 2.0 release, to VAX/VMS (at the same time as the VAX-11 computer was renamed to simply VAX). With the introduction of the range such as the MicroVAX I, MicroVAX II and MicroVAX 2000 in the mid-to-late 1980s, DIGITAL released MicroVMS versions specifically targeted for these platforms which had much more limited memory and disk capacity; e.g. The smallest MicroVAX 2000 had a 40MB RD32 hard disk and a maximum of 6MB of RAM, and its CPU had to emulate some of the VAX floating point instructions in software. MicroVMS kits were released for VAX/VMS 4.4 to 4.7 on tapes and RX50 floppy disks, but discontinued with VAX/VMS 5.0.

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In 1991, VMS was renamed to OpenVMS as an indication for its support of industry standards such as and compatibility, and to drop the hardware connection as the port to DIGITAL's processor was in process. The OpenVMS name first appeared after the version 5.4-2 release. Port to DEC Alpha. Old logo The VMS port to resulted in the creation of a second and separate source code libraries (based on a source code management tool known as VDE) for the source code library and a second and new source code library for the Alpha (and the subsequent port) architectures. 1992 saw the release of the first version of OpenVMS for systems, designated OpenVMS AXP V1.0.

The decision to use the 1.x version numbering stream for the pre-production quality releases of OpenVMS AXP caused confusion for some customers and was not repeated in the next platform port to the Itanium. In 1994, with the release of OpenVMS version 6.1, feature (and version number) parity between the VAX and Alpha variants was achieved. This was the so-called Functional Equivalence release, in the marketing materials of the time. Some features were missing however, e.g. Based shareable images, which were implemented in later versions. Subsequent version numberings for the VAX and Alpha variants of the product have remained consistent through V7.3, though Alpha subsequently diverged with the availability of the V8.2 and V8.3 releases. In November 2017, V8.4-2L1 was released for Alpha platform (or emulator).

Port to Intel Itanium In 2001, just prior to its acquisition by, announced the port of OpenVMS to the architecture. This port was accomplished using source code maintained in common within the OpenVMS Alpha source code library, with conditional and additional modules where changes specific to Itanium were required. The OpenVMS Alpha pool was chosen as the basis of the port as it was significantly more portable than the original OpenVMS VAX source code, and because the Alpha source code pool was already fully 64-bit capable (unlike the VAX source code pool). With the Alpha port, many of the VAX hardware-specific dependencies had been previously moved into the Alpha SRM firmware for OpenVMS. Features necessary for OpenVMS were then moved from SRM into OpenVMS I64 as part of the Itanium port. Unlike the port from VAX to Alpha, in which a snapshot of the VAX code base circa V5.4-2 was used as the basis for the Alpha release and the 64-bit source code pool then diverged, the OpenVMS Alpha and I64 (Itanium) versions of OpenVMS are built and maintained using a common source code library and common tools.

The core software source code control system used for OpenVMS is the VMS Development Environment (VDE). Two pre-production releases, OpenVMS I64 V8.0 and V8.1, were available on June 30, 2003 and on December 18, 2003. These releases were intended for HP organizations and third-party vendors involved with porting software packages to OpenVMS I64.

The following are recent OpenVMS I64 releases:. OpenVMS I64 V8.2, the first production-quality Itanium release, was shipped January 13, 2005. A V8.2 release is also available for Alpha platforms. OpenVMS I64 V8.2-1, adding support for and cell based systems, was released in September 2005. V8.2-1 is available for Itanium platforms only. OpenVMS I64 V8.3, was released for Itanium platforms in September 2006. V8.3 is also available for Alpha systems.

OpenVMS I64 V8.3-1H1, was released in October 2007. It features full c-Class Integrity BladeServer blade support. OpenVMS I64 and Alpha V8.4, was released in June 2010. OpenVMS I64 V8.4-1H1, was released in June 2015. OpenVMS I64 V8.4-2, was released in April 2016; and a variant of it V8.4-2L1 was also released for platform (or emulator) in November 2017. Major release timeline Version Release date End-of-life date Notes Old version, no longer supported: V1.0 25 October 1977?, Initial commercial release Old version, no longer supported: V2.0 April 1980?

Old version, no longer supported: V3.0 April 1982? Old version, no longer supported: V4.0 September 1984? And MicroVMS (for ) Old version, no longer supported: V5.0 April 1988? Old version, no longer supported: V5.1 November 1992? First OpenVMS AXP (Alpha) specific version Old version, no longer supported: V6.0 June 1993 31 December 2012 Old version, no longer supported: V6.1 April 1994? Merging of VAX and Alpha AXP version numbers Old version, no longer supported: V7.0 January 1996? Full 64-bit virtual addressing on Alpha Old version, no longer supported: V7.1 1997?

Old version, no longer supported: V8.0 June 2003? Limited availability eval for Integrity Old version, no longer supported: V8.2 February 2005? Common Alpha and Itanium release Old version, no longer supported: V8.3 September 2006 31 December 2015 Alpha, Itanium dual-core support Old version, no longer supported: V8.3-1H1 October 2007 31 December 2015 c-Class Integrity blade server support Older version, yet still supported: V8.4 June 2010 Q4 2020 Virtual machine guest under HPVM. Clusters over TCP/IP Older version, yet still supported: V8.4-1H1 June 2015 Q4 2020 Support for 'Poulson' Itanium processors Current stable version: V8.4-2 April 2016 Q2 2021 Support for HPE Itanium 9500 series processor Future release: V8.5 Q2 2018 N/A Itanium Updates, new TCP/IP stack Future release: V9.0 H2 2018 N/A Itanium General Release and x86-64 Early Adopter Release Future release: V9.x 2019 N/A Itanium and x86-64. Features OpenVMS offers many features that are now considered standard requirements for any high-end server operating system.

Main article: OpenVMS has a very feature-rich, with support for stream and record-oriented IO, access control lists , and file versioning. The typical user and application interface into the file system is via the Record Management Services.

Timekeeping OpenVMS represents as the 64-bit number of 100 intervals (that is, ten million units per second; also known as a 'clunk' ) since the. The epoch of OpenVMS is midnight preceding November 17, 1858, which is the start of Modified numbering.

The clock is not necessarily updated every 100 ns; for example, systems with a 100 Hz interval timer simply add 100000 to the value every hundredth of a second. The operating system includes a mechanism to adjust for hardware timekeeping drift; when calibrated against a known time standard, it easily achieves an accuracy better than 0.01%.

All OpenVMS hardware platforms derive timekeeping from an internal clock not associated with the AC supply power frequency. While the system is shut down, time is kept by a Time-of-Year ('TOY') hardware clock. This clock keeps time to a lower resolution (perhaps 1 second) and generally, a lower accuracy (often 0.025% versus 0.01%).

When the system is restarted, the VMS 64-bit time value is recomputed based on the time kept by the TOY clock and the last recorded year (stored on the system disk). The 100 nanosecond granularity implemented within OpenVMS and the 63-bit absolute time representation (the sign bit indicates absolute time when clear and relative time when set) should allow OpenVMS trouble-free time computations up to 31-JUL-31086 02:48:05.47.

Sql Examiner Serial Number Lookup

At this instant, all clocks and time-keeping operations in OpenVMS will suddenly fail, since the counter will overflow and start from zero again. Though the native OpenVMS time format can range far into the future, applications based on the C runtime library will likely encounter timekeeping problems beyond January 19, 2038 due to the. Many components and applications may also encounter field-length-related date problems at year 10000 (see the ). Programming Among OpenVMS's notable features is the Common Language Environment, a strictly defined standard that specifies calling convention for functions and routines, including use of, etc., independently of programming language.

Because of this, it is possible and straightforward to call a routine written in one language from another , without needing to know the implementation details of the target language. OpenVMS itself is implemented in a variety of different languages (primarily, and ), and the common language environment and calling standard supports freely mixing these languages, and, and others. This is in contrast to a system such as, which is implemented nearly entirely in the language.

The common language programming environment is described in the OpenVMS Calling Standard and the OpenVMS Programming Concepts manuals. This provides mixed-language calls, and a set of language-specific, run-time library (RTL), and system service routines. The language calls and the RTLs are implemented in user-mode shareable images, while the system services calls are generally part of the operating system, or part of privileged-mode code. This distinction between languages and RTLs and system services was once fairly clean and clear, but the implementations and specifics have become rather more murky over the years. Macro32 (an assembler on OpenVMS VAX, and a compiler on OpenVMS Alpha and on OpenVMS I64) is available within and integrated into OpenVMS. BLISS compilers are available for download, as are various ports of Perl, and other languages.

Java SE is provided with OpenVMS. C, Fortran and other languages are commercial products, and are available for purchase. Various utilities and tools are integrated, as are various add-on languages and tools. Many Programming Examples are available via the OpenVMS FAQ. Debugging The VMS Debugger supports all DEC compilers and many third party languages.

It allows breakpoints, watchpoints and interactive runtime program debugging either using a. Standard streams In a manner similar to Unix, VMS defines several standard input and output streams with these logical names: SYS$INPUT - Standard input. Used interactively, this represents the terminal keyboard.

Used in a batch file, it is batch file lines not preceded with a $ symbol, or specified as an input deck using the DECK command. SYS$OUTPUT - Standard output.

Used interactively, this is the terminal display. Used in a batch file, it outputs to the screen (if run interactively) or to the log file when run noninteractively. SYS$ERROR - Standard error. Used interactively, this is the terminal display. In a batch file, it is the screen display (if run interactively), or to the log file if run interactively, or in the special case of RUN /DETACH, to the output file or device specified with the /ERROR= parameter.

SYS$COMMAND - Does not have a direct analogue in the Unix model. Used interactively, it will read from the terminal. Used in a batch file when run interactively, it will read from the terminal. Used in a batch file run noninteractively, it will read from the SYS$INPUT stream (if one is defined), otherwise it will read nothing and return end of file. Run-time Libraries.

This section needs expansion. You can help. (April 2011) Security OpenVMS provides various security features and mechanisms, including security identifiers, resource identifiers, subsystem identifiers, and detailed security auditing and alarms. Specific versions evaluated at NCSC Class C2 and, with the SEVMS security enhanced services support, at NCSC Class B1, per the NCSC. OpenVMS also holds an ITSEC E3 rating (see and ). / Passwords are hashed using the.

Cross-platform applications OpenVMS supports the following industry standard and open-source tools and applications:. (CIFS).

Zip/Unzip. (gpg).

(as vgit)., as Mosquitto (MQTT broker) and Paho-C (MQTT client). and libcurl Documentation The OpenVMS Operating System documentation for various releases, and for various core OpenVMS layered products, is available online at the HPE website at: Software Product Descriptions (SPD) are introductory and legal descriptions of various products, listing the various supported capabilities and product features.

SPD documents for many OpenVMS-related products, and for OpenVMS itself, are available at: The OpenVMS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) contains information and pointers associated with OpenVMS, and is available in various formats at: Releases, software support status The current OpenVMS release is 8.4-2L1 (Hudson), previous were OpenVMS V8.4-1H1 for Integrity servers, OpenVMS V8.4 for Alpha and OpenVMS V7.3 for VAX servers. HP provides Current Version Support (CVS) and Prior Version Support (PVS) for various OpenVMS releases. The OpenVMS Roadmap guaranteed PVS status for specific releases (V5.5-2, V5.5-2H4, V6.2, V6.2-1H3, V7.3-2) until 2012, and only then ending with 24 months' prior notice. CVS is provided for the current release and for the immediately prior release. On July 31, 2014, VMS Software, Inc. (VSI) announced that HP named VSI as the sole developer of future versions of the OpenVMS operating system and its layered product components. The first release, VSI OpenVMS Version 8.4-1H1 (Bolton), was released June 1, 2015.

Next releases will support the latest Itanium hardware. The availability of VSI OpenVMS on x86-based servers for early adopters is planned for 2018. VSI has assembled a Massachusetts, US-based team of veteran OpenVMS developers, many harkening back to the core DEC team responsible for the initial and ongoing development of OpenVMS. The OpenVMS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ). ^ Patrick Thibodeau (June 11, 2013).

Tom Merritt (2012). Hewlett Packard Enterprise. VMS Software. October 6, 2017.

VMS Software. September 25, 2017.

Retrieved on 2013-07-17. Archived from on 2009-01-24. Retrieved 2009-04-10. Retrieved 2016-01-29.

^ (Press release). Retrieved October 27, 2017. Retrieved 2016-01-29. Michael D Duffy (2002). Digital Equipment Corporation.

Chapter X Building the Bridge to Alpha; Chapter XI AlphaChip—The 64-bit Breakthrough. Kronenberg; Thomas R. Benson; Wayne M. Cardoza; Ravindran Jagannathan; Benjamin J.

Thomas III (1992). Digital Technical Journal. ^ (Press release). Retrieved 2017-11-02. The Alpha hardware platform, including Alphas running on x86-based emulators. This OpenVMS Alpha version is based on, and inherits the benefits of, the latest version of VSI OpenVMS Integrity V8.4-2L1, released in September 2016. January 2002.

Archived from (PDF) on March 2, 2006. Clair Grant (June 2005). OpenVMS Technical Journal.

HP OpenVMS Systems ask the wizard. September 2, 1999. Archived from on December 29, 2007. Archived from on September 2, 2010. (PDF) (Press release).


June 1, 2015. June 21, 2010. (Press release). VMS Software, Inc.

March 22, 2016. HP OpenVMS I/O User’s Reference Manual: OpenVMS Version 8.4.; see the language documentation.; see the BLISS, Macro64, OPS5, Perl, PHP, Tcl/Tk and other language kits and tools. ^. January 2005. Stephen Hoffman; Paul Anagnostopoulos.

Writing Real Programs in DCL, second edition. Archived from on September 21, 2008. National Computer Security Center (NCSC) Trusted Product Evaluation List (TPEL).

Margie Sherlock. Using DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS. HP OpenVMS ask the wizard.

November 9, 2004. Kirby McCoy (1990). VMS File System Internals. Bedford, Mass.: Digital Press. November 6, 1987. February 1981.

Detailed information on time and timekeeping, and on daylight saving time and timezone differential factor operations, is contained in the. Stephen Hoffman (June 6, 2000).:. 7.1 Common Language Environment. January 2005. February 14, 2011. Chapter 14, Advanced Programming with DCL. November 2005.

October 2006. Archived from on December 8, 2006.

Retrieved October 27, 2017. January 11, 2017.

Retrieved 2017-01-11. Thibodeau, Patrick. Retrieved 1 August 2014. Hewlett-Packard Enterprise. November 2014.

Retrieved October 27, 2017. Archived from on 2015-03-21. Archived from on January 6, 2009. From the original on March 10, 2011. Retrieved June 20, 2013. Neil Rieck. Retrieved 2017-09-23.

For information on layered products, see the for the product. For OpenVMS components, see the. Further reading.

Roland Hughes. Roland Hughes. Archived from on January 15, 2009. Roland Hughes. Archived from on January 15, 2009.

Getting Started with OpenVMS, Michael D.